Lanscape and Pavilion

Date :
Déscription :

Three-dimensional proposal of hybrid form between the idea of the pavilion, a design essay and land art. Located on open land, in reforestation, this temporary structure is intended to be a first approach towards a three-dimensional object whose usefulness overlaps with the useless or rather whose function is indeterminate and open. I am inspired by design festivals of temporary structures and pavilions to in turn offer a platform on which we can sit, a device which frames the landscape and a structure which can accommodate an artwork. Both an autonomous object and an object that can be used minimally, the structure has a small wall that can temporarily accommodate an artwork, placing it in juxtaposition with nature. 

Specifications : 
SPF Lumber, steel sheet and digital print on Tyvek©
Credits : 
Design : Myriam Yates Construction : Patric Lacasse
Funding : 
Recipient of a grant as part of the grant program offered to artists from the City of Sherbrooke.
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,
Lanscape and Pavilion,

Specifications : 
SPF Lumber, steel sheet and digital print on Tyvek©
Credits : 
Design : Myriam Yates Construction : Patric Lacasse
Funding : 
Recipient of a grant as part of the grant program offered to artists from the City of Sherbrooke.